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(According to Cam'ara)

One Of Chaos, Harbinger of Torment, Lord of Darkness and Hate.

Fifth to be created, and third most powerful,
Created Kascas, the realm of Hell, which he is Lord over.
Undead, and Demon-kind are under his command.

Chaotic Evil
Nanqa materialized in the same instance as his twin Reinn Anon,
he personified Calamity, Destruction, N
egativity and Spite.
He was drawn to terrible extremes and violence - bitter cold, earthquakes, rending,
breakings, utter darkness etc, and his followers seek to ruin, and undo
all of creation. Warring against life and beauty itself.
He is the Darkness to Reinn Anon's Light. Trapped within the Void millennia's ago for misdeeds,
his Demons, (Hen'ai,) Corrupted Arch Angels (Zelamanara), and Fallen Angels work against mankind.
He seeks not only the destruction of life and beauty, but the order, (law) which beauty and life depend upon.
The Royal bloodline of the Royalian Empire, it is believed began through Nanqa's blood,
making them scions of Darkness.

The common people of Camar'a believe that if mankind gives into the seven sins of Nanqa;
pride, wrath, envy, sloth, lust for power, and greed, they will visit destruction upon themselves and others.
Those that partake of un-pure rituals, such as murder, suicide or sadomasochism will find themselves in Hell after life.
The battle between Angels, and Demons is hidden so well the people have only  fear and faith as causes to believe Nanqa exists.
Necromancers/Liches gain their power from Nanqa to use the darkness, and raise the dead.
Any who become a Liche are able to be controlled by Nanqa as a vessel, giving up their own sanity and control.
The  Royalians worship Nanqa reverently, and it is believed that they have yearly sacrificial rites in his name where hundreds are killed.
The Royalians turned their back on Reinn's Light after Reinn had given them the Breathe of Life.
Nanqa extinguished that spark, putting its Void Essence within them instead.
It is the duty of all Camarians to destroy these heathens, and monsters.
Those evil beings who brought such sorrow, and rage to Lord Reinn Anon.

All Original names and references to the story they are from are Copyright of Nathanial Royale. Picture is Copyright to Fraggeroni.