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Dates - Yearly Charts - Time Periods



On Average:
Cor'Terrae Has -

33 Hours in a Day
21 Days in a Month.
253 Days in a Year.
12 Months in a Year.

12 months = 21 days for 11 months, with 1 day added to the month of the Winter Solstice.
7 days a week (Which makes 3 weeks in a month.)
These numbers are explained in the Cosmology.

The Main Continent (The Known World) is in the southern hemisphere, with the deserts of the northlands (Diria and Zene) at the equator. So the seasons and months correspond to a southern climate (As in Our Australia/South America/Africa.)
Consequently Summer is at the beginning of the year and Winter is in the middle of the year.



Yearly Calendar


The separate Empire's would have their own respective calendars, however, the Holy Camarian Empire is the center of the stories so the dates will follow the Camarian calendar.

These months were made from a mix of Welsh, Old English and my Ellearn (Sere'th) as the common tongue of the Camarian Empire is Gaelian, which is a mixture of Welsh and English. The nobles speak Gaelian Trom which is Old English, so the months have ended up with a bastardized mixture of the three languages and have stayed this way ever sense.

The Summer Solstice and the First Day of Summer is Cynteya 21st.

Gorfanaur (Of Dry Hopes - The Celebration of The Summer Solstice and the New Year in Camara)

Cynteya 21st is also the last day of the previous year, known as the 'Longest Day', and is an auspicious holiday devoted to new beginnings. In the cities, a fair takes place that celebrates the Goddess of Music, Rina Linn and the God of the Sun Nau'ar. Dancing is had and music is played in the streets and good will is a plenty in the cities.

In the towns and villages, however, so dependent on the leniency of the God of the Sun for their crops, there is little celebration and much veneration. The God of the Sun and Fire is known to as the God of Power and it is in his nature to be selfish and vain. If dances or prayers are given up they are made to Nau'ar only as these communities offer ritual sacrifices of some of healthiest cattle and sheep to appease him.

1st Month - Meheleire (Midsummer)
2nd Month - Zwngahaf (The End of Summer)
3rd Month - Haeeren (Harvest, Named after Goddess of Nature)
Autumnal Equinox - Zwngahaf 21st
4th Month - Nn'harsal (Autumn, Named after God of Death/Souls)
5th Month - Hrethsos (Fierce Winds)
6th Month - Pyrmogae (Of Dusk, Loss of the Sun)
Winter Solstice - Pyrmogae 21st
7th Month - Gaesneira (Snow and Ice)
8th Month - Endelrhew (Last Frost)
9th Month - Neivorlyng (Spring Start)
Spring Equinox - Neivorlyng 1st of 2nd
10th Month - Matarshae (Rains, Named after the God of Water)
11th Month - Gwanlote (Blossoms Blooming)
12th Month - Cynteya (Beginning of Summer)
Summer Solstice - Cynteya 21st

The Winter Solstice is on Pyrmogae 21st.

Nostrildom (Of Night Stars - The Celebration of Midwinter in Camara)

The week of Pyrmogae 14th to 21st is celebrated as Midwinter by the Holy Camarian Empire with the 21st being the Longest Night, where The God of Light won over the God of Darkness. This is of religious importance to the day that follows, the ill-received 22nd. One candle is lit on the 14th in all homes that celebrate, and this pattern is continued until the 21st. On the Longest Night, there will be seven candles to protect the inhabitants of the home from the darkness and evil that will be most powerful that night and the following day.

The Goddess of Stars Clerics and Holy warriors all keep vigil from dusk to dawn each night of this week, kneeling before Sila Vor's statue. Prostate they remain, with their heads to the floor upon cobblestone of her temple. There is a fast during these hours for these men and women who protect.

On the final night, the Longest Night of the 21st in the Imperial Castle the most beautiful Elven woman in the city is chosen to represent the Goddess of the Stars and Elves. Her face is hidden by a veil as the Goddess's beauty is so, that no mortal can see it and survive. Wrapped in silks and lace, this Elven maiden plays her part and is nearly captured by the God of Darkness Nanqa, a man painted as an ebony demon. He dances around her, seducing her away with whispered promises and evil intent from the half angel who shines, representing the God of Light, Reinn Anon. This half angel who is the husband of Sila Vor protects the maiden from the Dark God Nanqa, capturing the loathsome God and collaring the demon, signifying that life is preserved and protected for another year.

Through the castle into the city streets the three parade, Reinn Anon protecting his beloved, shielding her and marching the imprisoned Nanqa to the Grand cathedral where Nanqa will be locked inside a man-sized cage. Cloth of darkest and thickest black will be thrown over the demon to re-enact the God of Darkness being vanquished and banished far out into the void where he could never return. The King or Queen would then lead prayers in thanks to the King and Queen of Heaven (Reinn Anon and Sila Vor) upon the balcony of the Imperial Castle and the evening will end with dancing and merriment.

As a Side Note: The celebration has been calmed by the Royal Family in the last twenty years, whereas prior, Nanqa's player being a demon was not symbolic. The Church would find a demon born and force them to play the part, heavily collared, where he would be sacrificed inside the God of Light's Grand Cathedral as a clear sign of Reinn Anon's superiority and power over the God of Darkness.

Pynzanqa (Gate of Darkness - The Extra Day in Camara)

The most superstitious and feared day of each year follows on the coat-tails of the Winter Solstice in the Camarian Empire. Pyrmogae is the only month of the year to have 22 days, and many Camarians consider this 22nd day to be very ill luck, and most dare not leave their homes for fear of demons and the Dark God, Nanqa. If anyone must leave their homes they do so swathed in a cloak, with faces hidden by masks that were worn for the Winter Solstice celebrations the night before. These disguises are used to hide not only those who are afraid of being found by demons but also by those with ill intent.
As so few individuals are willing to go out on this day, the 22nd of Pyrmogae is considered a day of anarchy where abuses of the law are many: murder, adultery, intoxication, and theft abound. Holy Paladins of Reinn Anon's Light are called to keep order in the many cities of the Empire throughout this grim day.

The Eras of the World


Age of the World:

34,654 years

The years before the birth of Lukyan in year 0 (Camarian Calender) are counted backwards and may have a negative sign beside them.
Duration: -32,633 down to -1.
The years after Lukyan's birth are counted forwards and will not have the negative sign.
Duration: 1 forward to 3421.
(Think of the Earth categories of B.C. and A.D.)
Explained fully on the Timeline Page.

The Eras

Somnium: Time is Meaningless. 
Phantasma: Time is Meaningless.
Igniculus: Time-Span Unknown.
Rerum: Year -31,233 to -26,000 (Speculation)
Concieo: Year -25,999 to -21,758? 
Perditus: Year -21,757 to 15,032.
Bellum: Year -15,031 to 12,655.
Vindicta: Year -12,654 to 8,897.
Exodus: Year -8,896 to 5,680.
Fallacitas: Year -5,679 to 3,167.
Antiquis: Year -3,167 to -1.
Imperium: Year 0 to 3421. (Present)


The 'Ages' of the Empires



Within an Era there are time spans called "Ages", although not every Era will have its own "Ages." 
 "Ages" do not have a predetermined amount of years, but they are named for what happens during this particular "Age."

The years after Lukyan's birth are referred to as the Imperium Era meaning 'The Era of the Empires' which is counted forwards. The Era of the Empires begins at the Camarian year 0.

Each new Age began with a political shift on the throne of the Holy Camarian Empire. The name of each Age was dependent on the Goddess of Destiny and Fate, Wan'an'iena, as the title of the Age was a foretelling of a particular monarchs rule. These names are in Latin as that is Celestial (The language of Angels.)

Camar'ian Years:

1 - 176 Nox (Age of Night)
177 - 311 Divinus (Age of the Divine)
312 - 664 Lumen (Age of Light)
665 - 934 Spera (Age of Hope)
935 - 1101 Strategus (Age of Strategy)
1101 - 1398 Laxamentum (Age of Expansion)
1398 - 1508 Tranquillitas (Age of Tranquility)
1508 - 1676 Evinco (Age of the Conqueror)
1676 - 1824 Unitas (Age of Unity)
1824 - 2182 Pestis (Age of the Cursed)
2182 - 2393 Interitus (Age of Dissolution)
2393 - 2398 Obcasus (Age of the Sunset)
2398 - 2546 Hereditas (Age of Inheritance)
2546 - 3189 Fragmentum (Age of Fragmentation)
3189 - 3357 Spiritus (Age of Spirits)
3357 - 3368 Lilia (Age of Lilies)
3368 - 3376 Quies (Age of Silence)
3376 - 3392 Judicium (Age of Judgement)
3392 - 3396 Tenebrae (Age of Darkness)
3396 - 3400 Beatus (Age of the Blessed)
3400 - 3420 Amissio (Age of Loss)
3421-? Astrium (Age of the Stars)

The Years in Royale began 103 years prior to Cama'ra as the God Nanqa created their first King before Reinn, and it was because of this action that Reinn Anon did later create Camar'a and the line of Queles to battle his brother upon the mortal plains.

Royalian Years:

Royale was formed in year  -103 Antiquis.

-31,233 to -103 Minch'yev Khavary (Before the Darkness)
1 - 3421 Heto Khavar (Within the Darkness)

Royale had four separate dynasties beneath the Lord of Darkness after fighting for their freedom from the Vivessians.
The Imperial Royalian timeline is a work in progress.

All Original names and references to the story they are from are Copyright of Nathanial Davidson.